Principal’s Message
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Principal’s Message
As the head of this institution I would like to welcome you to join us in our pursuit for excellence in education. But schooling for us is not just about textbooks, Oxford Model High School strives to bring the real world to its classrooms. Hence we ensure a balance between books and extra-curricular activities.
That we have been successful in our endeavor has been reflected in more than one way. In keeping with the modern trends in education, OHMS ensures a judicious mix of traditional tools like chalk and blackboard, and the latest in information technology. We strive to mould young minds into responsible citizens of tomorrow.

ABOUT THE PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Renuka, is an accomplished, motivated and result oriented professional in the field of Education. She is with a mission to educate the young generation and to guide them to be a better citizen of the country. Has an illustrious experience of over 25 years in teaching and is guiding this school with her principles of work ethos. Ability to motivate and lead the subordinates towards goal have been her key skills. She has brought laurels to the school by achieving 100% board results with remarkable distinctions. Her vision with will to achieve it practically has been the motivating and guiding factor for the subordinates, who in turn are encouraged to produce the result. She ensures discipline among staff and students and assures the overall development of students.
We are committed to providing highest quality of education to the child, in every field through proven pedagogy, contemporary learning environment, qualified and dedicated faculty and state-of the-art technologies and infrastructure.
– PHILOSOPHY: To inspire them to embrace challenges and to find joy and self-worth through achievement, by aiming for 100% instead of competing with the others.
– CURRICULUM: The school is affiliated to State
– PEDAGOGY: As the child grows and develops as a whole, through his/her own experience and through self-activity – Child-centric teaching methodologies viz: Interactive and hands-on experience techniques are adopted in teaching.
By means of our heuristic pedagogy, we strive to work on the child’s noesis.
– ASSESSMENT: To ensure effectiveness in teaching, student academic progress is measured on regular basis.
Individual Attention and Regular Performance Assessment is followed to improve the overall instructional program.