Student Life at OMHS
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Here, a Step outside your comfort zone is a Step in the right direction
At Oxford Model High School your Children has the best opportunity to realise there unique potential, passions and purpose in life. With a wide range of activities on offer, Oxford Model High School is the perfect place to grow into an individual with a number of talents, both inside and outside of the classroom.

You learn while you play
We are constantly striving to ensure the best possible teaching and learning environment which integrates educational philosophy and practice while also providing our students well being and co-curricular needs.our School features facilities to enhance our teaching and learning activities at each age and stage of development and create a beautiful, practical and welcoming environment for our students.We offer a variety of activities which allow students to develop their particular talents, share common interests and gain wider experiences. Our extensive co-curricular program aims to provide exciting activities that will stimulate an interest in school life
You will get your first public Speaking experience .
We helps you to improve your knowledge. The preparation that goes into a speech and the fact that you have to work out how to communicate to others effectively makes you understand your content that much better. Here, You can build it instead of writing a report on it.
Public Speaking is one of the most important skills to develop. Whether you want to be a teacher, a businessman, or a scientist, public speaking will help you or your child be successful.
Numerous situations in school require students to speak up in front of classmates and teachers. These include oral reports, in-class reading, joint projects, assemblies, sports, school plays, school clubs, and even fundraisers requiring door-to-door solicitations. While some kids appear to take to “be naturals”,, others tend to be fearful.
Aside from just being able to impress others, there are many underappreciated reasons all students should work on public speaking.

You can try new things, make mistakes, and try’s OK, We’ve got your back.
school science fairs and hands-on science lessons are an exciting and immersive part of any student’s education, and there is a great deal of potential to make them super fun!When first looking into ideas for projects to take on, however, it can feel a little daunting. After all, what experiments strike the perfect balance between fascinating and achievable for young children?
These experiments play a vital role for a student studying in a science stream or a classroom. It is a kind of hands on activities. It helps students to engage more within the topics of the subject. The subject becomes more interesting with these practical experiments.
You will get your first friend which is also a key for success in school
“I think if We’ve learned anything about friendship, it’s to hang in, stay connected, fight for them, and let them fight for you. Don’t walk away, don’t be distracted, don’t be too busy or tired, don’t take them for granted. Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff.”
Having a good friend affects a child’s school performance, too. Children tend to have better attitudes about school and learning when they have their good friends there.

You will get Creative Learning by Creative teaching.
Although almost everyone would agree that creativity is important, budget cuts to areas of education like art and music programs demonstrate differently.
“Without imagination and investigation of ideas our collective fund of knowledge would languish. We do need assessments to determine what students learn and understand, but we can incorporate imagination in the creation of those assessments to ensure that students’ creative thoughts and higher executive functions are incorporated into their assessment experiences,”